Take what you need, leave what you can
By the People, For the People
Feeding People & Reducing Food Waste in our Micro Local Community
Providing Farm Fresh Food, Canned Goods & Local Products Directly to The People
Thank you Cincinnati…
for a GREAT 2020-2022!
For all the donations but especially for ALL THE LOVE!
Thank you for showing us that we can help one another. That we can show each other love without even being in the same room. Just a whole lotta love in Cincinnati going on!
By the People, For the People.
The FridGe etc. needs a forever home...
We are in search of a new location for out beloved free fridge. We will no longer be in Camp Washington as of October 6 2022, so we are on the hunt for a new location.
Want to feed your community?
Send a email to TLC@etcproduce.com
Our Fridge etc was hand build by Sediment Design they handled the design and build out and Matthew Grote provided all the amazing artwork on the outside of The Fridge etc.
Take what you Need, Leave What You Can.
Do you Want to start a Free Fridge in your Neighborhood??
Please email TLC@etcproduce.com so we can get it rolling!
The Fridge etc. is here for the community at large.
Our community, the people we see everyday and the people we don’t.
For the Mothers, Daughters, Fathers & Brothers, for the Humans of Cincinnati.
For the People, By the People.
The Fridge etc. is brought to you by ETC Produce & Provisions and the Awesome Jordan Tuss.