Local Bundle Oven Chicken Sausage
Local Bundle Oven Chicken Sausage
Your Bundle will include every thing below to make your weekday dinner Easy Peasy!
Local Pasture Raised Chicken Italian Sausage 16oz.
2 Yellow Onions ORGANIC
3 lbs. Potatoes ORGANIC
2 Bell Pepper ORGANIC
1lb. Brussels Sprouts ORGANIC
Local Garlic
Rosemary ORGANIC
Local Chive
Serves 4
- Garlic + Salt + Pepper + ¼ teaspoon Red Pepper Flake + High Temp Oil
- Toss Veggies in Garlic Herb Mix
- Pour on sheet pan
- Sausages links down the center + turning them to get all the garlic spice mix all over
-Garnish with Chive
400 oven
25-35 mins until Sausage are cooked thru
ETC Produce & Provisions
Cincinnati, OH