Just What are Microgreens and How Can I incorporate them in Cooking?

Microgreens are young seedlings of edible vegetables and herbs. No chopping, destemming or massaging required. Unlike larger herbs and vegetables that take weeks or months to grow, microgreens can be harvested and eaten a week to 10 days after the cotyledon — a part of the embryo within the seed — leaves have developed. They have an aromatic flavor and concentrated nutrient content and come in a variety of colors and textures.

Despite their small stature, microgreens actually boast a more intense flavor than larger vegetables and herbs. One study even found they have more health benefits and can be up to 40 times more potent in phytochemicals.

How to store microgreens to keep them fresh:

Most varieties of microgreens will last about 7 to 12 days when stored properly in the refrigerator, about the same amount of time as other leafy greens like lettuce. Storing dry microgreens in an airtight container or resealable bag with a paper towel helps to absorb any additional moisture and extend their shelf life.

How to incorporate them into your everyday cooking:

Microgreens can be used in salads, shakes, cold and warm dishes and enjoyed by themselves. These cute little veggies can bring a surprising amount of flavor, texture, and color to dishes. See below for a few suggested ways to incorporate them into your dishes.

Better yet, order fresh, local microgreens online from ETC for next-day delivery!